8StepsUnihan Full Package八步全汉完全版
For you to enjoy the full set Unihan characters up to extension H, you need to download this latest version IME package in Windows 10 and install it.
To realize the full value of 8steps you need both mouse-click application and IME key typing features.
Using the key typing feature can be a real challenge as you need to remember the key codes of the common parts however once mastered the reward is a mean to rapidly type Chinese characters into any of your Microsoft Windows based applications.
What is input key code 什庅是輸入码?
An input key code is a string of alphabet or and numeric number that mixed to carry a certain characteristic of a character that map to a Chinese character. To be a successful user please send an email to enquiry@8suh.com with your details. Please include your name, and email address and share your comment, suggestions and questions.
Make sure you have downloaded and installed the Chinese fonts first
8SuhU1 -a font set comparative to Unihan standard ver 15.0 glyph.
8SuhS1 – a font set that displays the simplified Chinese glyph.
8SuhT1 – a font set that displays the Traditional Chinese glyph.
8SuhA1 – a font set that displays the Ancient Han glyph.
8SuhJ1 – a font set that display the Japanese Han glyph.
SimsunB0 and SimsunB1 – an extension of the above font set.
Download the Full Packages Third Edition ver 4 (updated 7/July/2024).
下載八步全汉完整系統 (updated 7/July/2024).
This package may run well in latest updated Windows 10 with Pentium i5 , 16 gb of ram and 512 gb SSD disk space or its equivalents and you need to trust this package is worthy and safe when download. (look and click for “see more info”, “keep anyway”, “keep”, “run anyway” to get through all the checking. Sometimes you need to move the vertical slide bar to see those words and do it a few times to test your patient),
8SUH IME Full Package covers 简体 (陸星马 ) 繁體(台港澳) 漢字(日越)古漢 (韓粵) 14 mega bytes
You may use the trial account code after download
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